Kelly's Talkshow

Long distance Relationships 异地恋



Hey, Monica, how's it going with you and Paul?嘿 Monica,你和Paul怎么样了?Well, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but I think long distance relationships are just plain hard.嗯,都说距离产生美,可我觉得异地恋真的很难。For starters, the time zone difference makes it hard to find a good time to talk.首先,两个人在不同的时区,找个合适的时间聊天都很难。True. It's hard to keep up communication.是啊。沟通起来真是不方便。Yes. It feels like we're drifting apart.是啊。感觉我们渐行渐远了。Well, the most important thing in a long distance relationship is to be on the same page. Have you talked to him about it?在一段异地恋中,最重要的就是保持彼此步调一致。你跟他聊过这件事吗?Yes, I think we both feel that we are stuck in a rut. It's not like we can simply pack our bags and move to the same city to solve the problem.聊过啊,我们俩都觉得现在的关系陷入了僵局。又不能说走就走,结束异地状态。It can't be easy. But as long as you love and trust each other, I'm sure you'll work it out.确实不容易啊。但只要你们彼此相爱、互相信任,相信你们一定会修成正果的。Thanks for the encouragement, Joey! 谢谢你的鼓励,Joey! Expansion | 知识拓展 How are couples who date long distance in a different situation from the rest of u
