Girls Gone Boss

Echo Huang: Financial Planning



Echo Huang is a female Chinese immigrant who moved to America with only $800 in her pocket at the age of 20 and founded Echo Wealth Management as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in 2015. She is passionate about educating women that Financial Planning is a viable career path for them and that increasing the number of female CFP professionals in America will help transform the financial industry and income inequality between men and women. Echo has over 20 years of business experience in a very male-dominated industry. She started her career as a Senior Tax Specialist, she began to gain valuable experience in personal financial planning for corporate executives, especially honing a knack for incorporating stock options strategies and tax planning in individualized financial plans. Realizing that this was the professional role she was meant to play, she changed her career from that of a tax CPA to becoming a financial advisor in 2000 when only 23% of CFP® professionals were women (today, it is still 23%)