Girls Gone Boss

Baylee Alana: Embracing Mental Health



Baylee Alana is a mental health advocate and creator of @anxietysupport on Instagram. She has built a community that serves as a support system for people that are suffering from various mental health conditions. In this episode she discusses the stigmas surrounding this topic and the importance of having open conversations about it. Through her personal journey she has been able to reach many people and has fostered a very loving and inclusive community. Currently she resides in Chicago and is working on officially launching where she will post curated stories from people all over the country who are also suffering from different aspects of mental illness. Her life’s work has impacted many people and her wish is to continue to heal and inspire others every day. You can follow Baylee @anxietysupport. If you or someone you know is in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confid