Beyond The Mood Board

90: Disagreeing Better // Tammy Lenski



As humans, we have a hard time setting aside our own opinions and beliefs to consider someone else’s. This is especially true when it’s something we care about. So we cluster ourselves in communities with those who think like us, avoiding confrontation at all costs.    This begs the question: is it possible to have strong conflicting opinions and still maintain strong relationships?   Today’s guest, Dr. Tammy Lenski believes we can and we must. The goal is not to avoid conflict. It’s to engage in it more constructively.    As a conflict resolution writer, speaker, and teacher, Dr. Lenski works with people who want to or must stay together but are living in a state of tension. She helps buffer their relationships from the negative effects of conflict.   On this episode we discuss: What happens when we avoid conflict in our lives and work,; The difference between being submissive, assertive, and aggressive and what we should aim for; Positive outcomes that are associated with productive arguments; How to name