
041: Racial Unity & Equality (Part 3)



Racial unity and equality is a controversial and hot topic right now in the U.S. and, unfortunately, the historical Gospel-centered church has not led the way on this issue inside AND outside its walls. And yet, God has called the church to be the physical representation of heaven on earth. So, what's the way forward and what should it look like?In part 3 of this series, Pastors Jay and Ryan interview Eddie Kim, a Korean-American member at CHBC, to borrow perception from someone with an Asian descent on the topic of racial unity and equality within the church context.  Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ.  See for privacy and opt-out information.