
038: Why Church Membership? (Part 3)



It's difficult to read Scripture and dismiss the motif of community. It's everywhere from the Godhead to the family unit. We're designed to be together. And yet, attempt to define "the church," and you have to make a clarification, are you referring to the Church universal, or are you referring to a local gathering of Christians in a specific location? Take it a step further and you'll soon enough get to the topic of "formal membership." What is church membership? Is it biblical? Is it important? In part 3 of this 3-part series, Pastors Jay and Ryan and our special guest, Matt Gilleskie, address some of the common questions and objections to church membership.Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to Bespoken is a weekly podcast by Pastors, Jay Thomas and Ryan McKee. Each week we cover spiritual topics and issues that will help you grow closer to God and deeper in Christ.  See for privacy and opt-out information.