Mind Revolution

The Only Thing(s) You Have Power Over



I recorded this episode the day before the United States would elect their next president. U.S. citizens and residents of every stripe and color have been on edge over the past several months due to many things — lockdowns, protests, riots. Folks on all ends of the political spectrum feel anxious and fearful about what may be in store if their candidate loses.   The fear and uncertainty runs thick and has seeped into seemingly every corner of our culture. My clients, whom I deeply respect, are across the entire spectrum.    NLP has taught me that everyone is doing the best with the resourceswhat they have. This helps me respect others right where they are.    I’ve also learned that in the end, we all want the same things — love, certainty, and safety. And behind every behavior — yes, even crappy, jerky behaviors — there’s a positive intention.    Let that sink in for a minute.    During this election season, some clients have accused me of not having a political opinion. Sometimes they say I don’t care about