Mind Revolution

Loving Yourself as You Do the Work to Level-Up



My guest on today’s show is a special client and friend. You could say she’s my ideal client. Though she has had a challenging path, her tenacity for something better is driving her to change her life from the inside out.    It’s been so beautiful to see.   Maxine Ramirez and I have been working together for a year and a half, and today you get to hear her story and see how far she’s come in that time. Maxine had a rough childhood that included sexual abuse, substance abuse, dropping out of high school, eating disorders… Comparable circumstances have left many feeling helpless and doomed to repeat unhealthy patterns. But Maxine always wanted something better, wanted something more. Her rough beginning has just made her progress that much sweeter.   When Maxine and I first started working together, she shared a secret that she hadn’t voiced previously. She wanted to start her own business. Within three months, she launched her web design and digital marketing agency. Today she is also training to be a master c