Mind Revolution

What to Do When It's Time to Level-Up



Are you in the midst of leveling up? If you’re not sure, make sure you listen to last week’s episode. Today’s episode is the second of a three-part series on leveling-up. Once you know you’re ready to level up (last week’s episode), you’ll be ready for this week’s episode where we discuss what to do in the leveling-up process. Change is part of life. We were meant for change. And sometimes we seek to create change, and other times change happens to us. For many, 2020 has been a year of forced change.  Either way, you have a choice about how you respond. You can be an active or an inactive participant in the change.  The inactive strategy carries attitudes and beliefs of… “I’ll just go with the flow.” “The universe will guide me.” “I’m going to trust that everything will work out.” “I’m just going to let things be.”   If you’re ready to have input in your life and drive change in the direction that you want to go, I have five tips for you.  Make a plan.  Even if you don’t know what you want the end result
