Geeks Explain It All

Episode 045: C'mon baby, shake your body, do the Kong(a)!



Y'know, we here at GEIA would like to say, for the record, that real life sucks. Why, you may ask? Well, for one thing it keeps getting in the way of us getting to record your(and coincidentally, our) favorite show. But eventually the planets align and we come with a gem of a show like this one. And what do we thrill the masses with this time around? Why none other than a discussion of a subject near and dear to D-Dub's heart since he was a kid, the great ape himself, KING KONG! Check it out here.  We are attempting to get back on a regular schedule, so please be patient with us kids, We've got some really good shows that are coming up in the next few months. In the meantime ,as always, contact us at or R.I.P. Robin Williams. You were inspirational and you will be missed. See for privacy and opt-out information.
