Geeks Explain It All

Episode 041: Disney Theme Parks, and where to find them!



Everything you ever wanted to know about Disney theme parks! Yeh, that's what we wanted to discuss, but unfortunately the constraints of time prohibited us from talking about ABSOLUTELY everything. Still, this turned out to be a very fun episode, all about our various experiences with the parks, and also(as always) some pretty cool trivia. Check out our meeting of the Mouse here. As stated, we actually ran short on time, so there were a few stories, such as D-Dub's abandoned Waterpark adventure that we were unable to get into. To find out the whole story, or just 'cause you'd like to talk to us, contact us at or Our subject next time around will be a discussion of music acts( and possibly others) that we haven't heard from in a while; Whatever happened to...? Til next time, remember, you better behave;don't make us turn this podcast around. See for privacy and opt-out information.
