Geeks Explain It All

Episode 021: The existential blue(meanie)s



    Well, after the the truly demented heights(or lows?) of our Looney Tunes Episode we decided to scale things back a bit for this weeks discussion of The Beatles On Film! Just as the Beatles themselves attempted to get back to their roots with what eventually became Let It Be, We're giving you loyal listeners a sort of retro episode(for us anyway). That means no sound clips, no background music, just D-Dub and I having an old-fashioned discussion on The Beatles film career. Still a pretty spiffy episode, if you ask me(and if you didn't why are you reading this blog?). Any road, you can sample its' Beatle-y goodness here.    Our next two topics we will tackle will be Narrative Rock, which is my weird term for Rock Operas, Concept Albums, anything that tells a story(and rocks, hopefully!), followed by a look at the DC Comics Animated Universe.    Like (or don't like)what you hear and want to let us know? Drop us a line at geeksexplainitall@