Geeks Explain It All

Episode 005:Voyage to the Land that was Lost in the Time Tunnel, or something..



Another pulse-pounding episode from the GEIA crew has been posted for this week! Our subject for this week is the legacy of the master of disaster himself, Irwin Allen. Y"know, for a subject that I was nowhere near as well-versed in as my partner, D-Dub, I actually had such a great time discussing and dissecting these shows, that I am going to endeavor to watch more of these classics on my own. I guess it's true what they say, everything you experience goes toward making you a more well-rounded person, even talking carrots. What talking carrots, you ask? Well, you can find out by listening to the show here. Our subject for the next show is a big'un, the Golden Age Of Comics. If you have a favorite from this era that you would like us to discuss, please contact us here. As always, our sister podcast is Darkwind's Secret Lair. Until next time campers, remember,if pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress? Shalom, amigos. See for privacy and opt-out informati
