Catch The Show

$H!T, Not Another Music Podcast with Eric & Kayci - Pilot



And now for something completely different. Not exactly a new episode of Catch The Show or The Underground Monster. I've been hinting for a while now of changes to come & here's one of the major ones: I have a new Hyphen Podcast Group show coming soon with my best friend Kayci called "$H!T, Not Another Music Podcast with Eric & Kayci".  This episode is a cut up of our conversation about the show & how things would go. We talk about how music has affected our lives (especially during the pandemic), talk about Cardi B divorcing OffSet & Rolling Stone's new 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, then we give our review of Krizz Kaliko's new album, “Legend”.  NOTE: There’s an editing error in this episode at marks 32:21 and 82:32 where there’s no audio. Just fast forward 30 seconds to continue.  Follow me so you can keep up with episodes and send your questions with #AskEG to my Twitter & Instagram : @catcherofshows  Support the Hyphen Podcast Group on Patreon: https://www.patreo
