Tander Chats

What will be truly next-gen in gaming?



Once again, we are at the dawn of next generation consoles! Does it still excite you? The Tanders take a deeper look into what makes next-gen, next-gen. With the latest Playstation and Xbox dropping soon, we take a trip down memory lane on some of the consoles of past that got us truly excited. Here are our main talking points: Remembering major leaps in console generations Let’s all remember, motion controls was supposed to be next-gen Next-gen was supposed to be VR, what happened? What will be truly next-gen for you? Will you be getting a PS5 or Xbox Series X? Rico's latest monitor - https://bit.ly/tandermonitorshop (Shopee) or https://bit.ly/tandermonitor (Lazada) If you want to leave us a message or interact with us, you can leave a like on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanderChats Lastly, if you want to help support the show! You can do so by using our affiliate links: Lazada - https://bit.ly/tanderlaz Shopee - https://bit.ly/tandershop Make sure to click on the link
