Quarter Portion Podcast

QPP029: A Mandalorian By Any Other Name



Welcome back to the only Star Wars podcast that lets the Wookiee win!Our preview discussions of The Mandalorian continue as we have new insights from Entertainment Weekly, and Disney+ has soft-launched in the Netherlands. Have the theories that Pedro Pascal could be playing Boba Fett or Cobb Vanth finally been put to bed? Are the Fetts true Mandalorians - and does it matter? How will this series show the origins of the First Order, and how does it connect to real world history? Which (known) cameo are we each looking forward to most? Has Pat come to terms with the weekly release schedule? What existing Star Wars content will be on Disney+?* * * * *Join us at London Comic Con October 5-6 at booth 262 - and don't miss our panel on Star Wars villains, live at 3:30 on Saturday!* * * * *Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @kyberclub, and Instagram @quarterportionpodcast!Become a patron of the show with Patreon to help shape our future & access bonus content!Thanks to Daniel Logan&nb