Rec Scale Up Podcast

Ep 46: Flexibility works: But how can recruiters make it work?



"Pre-pandemic, only 15% of job vacancies were able to reference any form of flexible working in the job vacancy. What we found [post-pandemic] is that the increase has been minimal. It's now 22% of job vacancies in the UK over this year on aggregate are now showing that it's possible to work flexibly from the point of hire." As a recruiter, how do you approach conversations about flexible working with your clients? We spoke to Emma Stewart, Co-founder and CEO of Timewise, UK's leading flexible working consultancy on the latest findings from their Flexible Jobs Index 2020. Timewise has been tracking the jobs market over the past five years looking at how many job vacancies are open to flexible working at the point of hire through their Flexible Jobs Index. In Neil Carberry's latest podcast discussion, Emma talks about: • What flexibility really means? • The shift in flexible working in job vacancies pre-and post- pandemic - based on Timewise's Flexible Jobs Index 2020 report • The role of flexible working