
Everything HypeBeasty



http://whogottheaux.com Welcome back to WGTA!! Subscribe, leave a comment and Rate!! Check out our interview on SD Voyager!!http://sdvoyager.com/interview/meet-jullian-scott-jylon-mckee-jeremy-cortez-whogottheaux-kearny-mesa/What's good what's good. Jullian has retired from using SNKR, Footlocker, Footaction etc.. The BOTS have won! Wigs is still on Supreme and was able to cop the double box logo hoodie! Everything is becoming hype beast-ish. Can't buy candles or chicken sandwiches in peace anymore. Another rant on how no one cares about us. The decriminalization of weed might not get passed. Hmm wonder why. The US has found $908 billion dollars to give to the rich, awesome. All that and more!Hope you enjoyed this episode and again don't forget to subscribe to receive notifications on new episodes and give us a rating to help build the show. Also leave a comment with song suggestions or anything you want.