
058: A Dispersed Assembly? (Part 1)



Restrictions on gathering during the pandemic call for robust reflection on the church’s life together. That’s why Jay, Ryan, and Matt are investigating the theological and practical import of the physical gathering of the local church. In this series’ first episode, they ask, What is a church, really? They discuss the essential marks of the church presented in the Bible (and perpetuated in church history) and the implications of some of the images used to describe the church: a flock, a family, and God’s possession.On the episode, Jay recommended for further reading The Enduring Community: Embracing the Priority of the Church by Les Newsom and Brian Habig.If you’re interested in a more academic treatment of this subject, check out The Church: The Gospel Made Visible by Mark Dever. A ministry that originated at Dever’s church, 9Marks, has an abundance of free resources on the subject as well.Have questions or ideas for a future episode? Email them to is a weekly podcast by Pa