Dare To Listen, The Podcast

Good Ending - 2020 year end edition



Nameh returns to an earlier Dare to Listen episode focusing on giving ourselves a Good Ending among life's changes. Given all that's been within 2020, life has drastically changed for so many of us.  As we each experience life and the often unanswered questions, perhaps in saying goodbye to a loved one who passed and/or left abruptly, a relationship change or a pandemic causing our lives to upend moving into what we notice and feel can be a way to bring ourselves a 'good ending.' This episode is with Nameh's dear friend Sahar. Nameh was unaware of the potent death of Sahar's childhood friend. Sahar vulnerably shares what was present for him. How numbing was a resource in navigating grief.  The 5 Rhythms community introduced Nameh to the concept 'good ending,' as in how can we give ourselves a good ending. This episode includes questions that might assist in knowing what elements could support a Good Ending. Resources:  Chloe Goodwin - 5Rhythms teacher (https://bit.ly/3pf1yGu) Finding our Answers through the