Success Mastery Radio

How to Use Your Blog to Develop Your Online Brand



Branding is a marketing concept that's been around for decades. But, do you know how important it is to your business and career for getting known, getting found, and getting clients?A brand isn’t just a logo or a tag line or other communication tools like ads, brochures or a website. It’s the whole package: who you are, what you stand for, your values, your service, how you deliver your products and services. And through all that it must be consistent. It’s part of the foundation of your business.When you use powerful Internet tools like a business blog to reinforce your message, you can get big results. Your name and your business stay top of mind when someone is ready to hire or buy.You’ll learn how to use your business blog to help you and your business stand out online:* Why you need a distinct brand to attract a highly qualified niche market* How to monitor your online brand and reputation and why it’s so important* Why you need to work “on” your business vs. “in” your business and how that helps extend