Success Mastery Radio

How to Make an Extra $250,000 to $1,000,000/Year w/ Your Own High-Impact, High-Profit Programs



The Internet is littered with programs that teach you how to quickly make a few bucks by creating and selling information products, but many information marketers - new and experienced ones alike - overlook hosting their own high-end coaching programs and masterminds.This is NOT just for those in the coaching profession - Adam's going to talk about how you can find opportunities for adding big-ticket coaching programs to virtually any business.Here are just a few secrets you will learn from this presentation: * How to find opportunities for adding big-ticket coaching programs to virtually any business* How offering your own “platinum mastermind” will actually increase the sales of your other products and programs.* How to create a coaching program that doesn’t require you to facilitate it and can still command a high price!* How to quickly jump start the profitability of any business with easy to launch “mastermind” groups.* Best ways to fill your high-ticket programs with quality participants.* One specific