Talking About Transitions

Talking About Transitions: Michelle Schubnel



Michelle Schubnel is the President and Head Coach of Coach & Grow R.I.C.H   Michelle has been a professional coach since 1998. Since that time, she has coached hundreds and hundreds of coaches, business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve greater success. Michelle helps her clients develop powerful positioning, implement strategic marketing, improve their time management and maximize their business enjoyment.   Michelle has been featured on KNTV’s “Midday Around the Bay,” “The Coaching Show” radio program and in numerous publications, including Choice – The Magazine of Professional Coaching.   Michelle received her coach training from Coach U, Corporate Coach U and She has extensive continuing training and education, including studies with Landmark Education, Decker Communication and Giving Spirit Form, a two-year Native American personal development program.   Michelle earned her B.A. in International Relations from Brown University.   Michelle is an activ