Quantum Hologram Matrix

Clairvoyant, Healer, Remote Viewer, Timeline Astrologer, Solaris BlueRaven.



Solaris BlueRaven is a true Clairvoyant,MT Healer,Remote Viewer, Craft Practitioner,HPS,Remote Viewer and systems buster for MK Ultra related projects. She is a timeline Astrologer with an extensive background in the paranormal and supernatural. She is a Metaphysical Sciences Practitioner with a professional background in Surveillance. Solaris BlueRaven is a Certified 2nd Degree Black Belt and Instructor. Solaris is a multi-universal translator and frequency decoder. Solaris is a Mystical Scientist.https://solarisblueraven.webs.com/Produced By The Fringe FMMusic by Spaceboy at http://www .spaceboymusic.com