
BenefitLIFE Episode 39



2021: Set it and go get it! Episode 39 starts with our CEO, Christie Fleisher inspiring to us to dig deep and be “unapologetically Benefit” in 2021. For “Break the Rules w/ Wit & Wisdom,” REM Jessica Owens interviews Lauren Engelbrecht, REM Middle East & Africa, about how Porefessional is being used in places that we may have not thought of! In “Problem Solving w/ Courage & Creativity,” Maggie Hall, from Product Innovation & REM LeAnne Stack to dive into Porefessional Super Setter Spray--Hear how the Innovation Team had a vision for the spray and never compromised! In “Make Real Connections,” Senior REM, Angela Szram, interviews former AE & now Ulta Services Manager, Megan Kostowizc, about how she overcame a life-changing health issue-one small win at a time. *If you would like to submit a question or nominate someone for the “Make Real Connections” section of the podcast or have any questions you would like answered in any segment, please email OR DM us at @