Haut Tech Conversations

SaaS & On-Demand Business - Service Beyond the Hype Cycle



This month, we explore the real meaning of "Service" in SaaS and on-demand business with our guest, Steve Plunkett, CTO of Servitizer. Our panel this week will include Luis Aburto, CEO of Scio, Mikael Blaisdell of The HotLine Magazine, and Lincoln Murphy of 16 Ventures.For an overview of our topic – check the Haut Tech Blog article: http://blog.sciodev.com/2009/08/11/saas-cloud-service-beyond-the-hype-cycle/Please join us live so you can call in and ask your questions of our guest and panelists. Our show is done in a simple, conversational style – and you are always welcome to be a part of the conversation.