React Native Radio

RNR 171: Test Like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee with Yair Bar-On



React Native Remote Conf 2020 July 29th to 31st - register now! Yair Bar-On talks us through the test platform that his company, Test Fairy provides, and how it can integrate to make life easy for #ReactNative and mobile teams. Panelist James Brenton Guest Yair Bar-On Sponsors G2i | Enjoy the luxuries of freelancing CacheFly "The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today! Links TestFairy Twitter Yair Bar-On: @yairba LinkedIn Yair Bar-On Picks Yair Bar-On: Validating Product Ideas James Brenton: Le Creuset Follow on Social Media: Twitter React Native Radio: @ReactNative_RNR Facebook React Native Radio Twitter James Brenton: @sternjobname
