Tander Chats

Evolving tastes in video games



The Tanders have been playing video games since the early '80s and as the industry evolves, so do their tastes! They discuss what genres they initially hated, but grown to love over time and what kind of games they really stuck until today Here are our talking points: To set some context first, when did you start gaming? Did you stop at any point? How was your journey of discovery of video games? Did you try to play everything? At any one point, did you form an instant bias against a genre? What made you try other genres or games that you otherwise wouldn’t have tried If you want to leave us a message or interact with us, you can leave a like on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanderChats Lastly, if you want to help support the show! You can do so by using our affiliate links: Lazada - https://bit.ly/tanderlaz Shopee - https://bit.ly/tandershop Make sure to click on the link before checking out. We will get a small comission from all your purchases, this will go directly to supporting the show. Tan
