Happy As Larry Group - The Feel-good Show!

Roula Kapakos-Paspalas - The Food Addict Diaries



Today I'm interviewing Roula Kapakos-Paspalas and she is a Food Addict. She has a podcast called “Stand UP and Shine” on iTunes where she interviews amazing guestes who have overcome adversity and today she is talking to me about he biggest challenge yet. Tune in and listen to her story and amazing journey of fighting food addiction and commiting to keeping a diary of a weight loss journey. She is wonderful and I hope you enjoy this episide as much as I did. If you are struggling with addictive behaviours or emotional intelligence then reach out to Lucy and I on our website: www.happyaslarrygroup.com. Alternatively check out these websites: Alcoholics Anonymous - www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk,Narcotics Anonymous - https://ukna.org, Overeaters Anonymous - https://oa.org, Cocaine Anonymous - www.cauk.org.uk/Sex Aaddicts Anonymous - saauk.info/Co-Dependents Anonymous - coda.org/
