Kurre And Klapow Show

10/27 Kurre & Klapow: Damon Johnson talks Rock Music, Dr. Misty Smith talks Communication



Bona fide ROCK LEGEND Damon Johnson (@DamonJOfficial) has a new album coming out, Memoirs of an Uprising, and we're going to feature the exclusive premiere of his new single, "Shivering, Shivering." What '80s bands would he actually JOIN for a cheesy '80s rock cruise? He'll be at Workplay November 16, look into getting tickets now. Damon talks about what went into the new album, and how that compares to his amazing past projects. Dr. Misty Smith, certified sex therapist, joins the show. Tony and Dr. Smith talk Halloween and some crazy costumes that kids are being put in. Also, she discusses COMMUNICATION when you're in a relationship. Guys, just do it! As Tony said, "If you wanna get it done, you've gotta get it done."