Be The Media

Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, with Shel Horowitz



David Mathison interviews Shel Horowitz, author of Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green (with Jay Conrad Levinson) Can YOUR Business make the world a better place?Can you improve the earth, your profits, and your customer base all at the same time? YES! Today Shel will teach you how:* Making your business Green can slash costs and provide a powerful “hot button” leverage point for your marketing * Faking a Green commitment (“greenwashing”) could destroy what you’ve worked so hard to build * You can create powerful partnerships that bring you directly in front of new and key audiences, at little or no cost — even competitors can be part of your success!* When you treat the prospect as intelligent, base your business on ethics, and actually anticipate those prospects’ needs, your growth can be exponential* If you use old-style interruption-oriented marketing that insults your prospects, you’re writing a recipe for failure * The conversations you create and the experiences people have with you are more important than