Be The Media

Country Joe McDonald and Wavy Gravy: Woodstock Reunion



Join the Woodstock reunion, featuring special guest, producer Michael Lang, singer Country Joe McDonald, emcee Wavy Gravy - and most importantly - YOU!We'll talk with Michael about the festival and his book, "The Road to Woodstock" (Ecco/HarperCollins, © 2009). Call in and ask questions or share memories on (347) 945-6866.We will also be joined by singer Country Joe McDonald, who performed two sets at the concert.Joe is currently advising on a box set of music called "Next Stop Is Vietnam: The War on Record: 1954-2008," available in June 2010 on Bear Family Records. Sing along with Joe here: We'll also talk to Wavy Gravy, who was an emcee at Woodstock. He and members of the Hog Farm Collective were in charge of security at the event!Wavy has a new film out called "Saint Misbehavin: The Wavy Gravy Movie." Find out more about the movie and Wavy's antics here: