UMOR LIVE: Brown, Blass, Morais



Tonight, on ACSLIVE, inside the Kayo Ink virtual studios, on the Every Victory Earned hotlines, join James Lee and Dave "The Butcher" Clifford for another episode of UMOR LIVE. Tonight, we'll be talking WXC 63, which is taking place April 23 inside Crystal Gardens in Southgate, MI. You know how WE do it, first off we talk to Deven "Bad News" Brown and Antoine "Cash Alpha" Blassingame, first each individual will talk to us about their camp and their opponent, then they both get in at the same time to tell each other how they feel. Drew "All Day" Morais joins us along with Moe "Bitches" Williams at about 11, and we'll talk about his contest on the WXC card against Murjan "The Gardner" Flowers. Call in to ask questions or join the party (yes it is THAT kind of party) by dialing (347) 857-1024.