Sott Radio Network

Health & Wellness Show: The Iodine Crisis - Interview with Lynne Farrow



This week, we are pleased to interview Lynne Farrow author of The Iodine Crisis. Lynne is a whistle blower, journalist, researcher, former college professor and speaker. Her own experience with breast cancer led to the discovery that someone had stolen a medicine with proven benefits reaching back 15,000 years. A medicine that not only helped her, but has helped millions.She currently serves as the Director of Breast Cancer Choices, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to the scrutinizing and reporting of the evidence for breast cancer procedures and treatments.Lynne is also the editor of, where she has compiled materials for both beginning and advanced iodine investigators.Why is there so much iodine deficiency? What are the applications of iodine therapy? Should I supplement with iodine? Which is the best way to take iodine? What troubleshooting should I expect? We'll cover all of these questions and much more.Join us Fridays at 10 am EST and 4 pm CET for the Health and Wellness Show,