Coffee Break French

CBF Travel Diaries 2.02 | Voyage dans le temps à Rouen



It's time for the second episode from Season 2 of our virtual travel series, the Coffee Break French Travel Diaries. Charlotte, Théo and Lucas make their way to Rouen, the historic capital of Normandy, and begin to discover what the Medieval city has to offer. In this episode, we encounter some interesting expressions such as prendre des forces, manger sur le pouce, and s’imprégner de qqch. Of course, teachers Mark and Pierre-Benoît are on hand to help you understand the language used in this travel diary entry.  The podcast episodes will be published weekly from 11th February. However, if you'd like to binge the entire season then you can access all 10 episodes on the Coffee Break Academy. Our premium version includes lesson notes with additional examples and explanations of the language in each lesson, and a pronunciation practice video to help you improve your speaking. Click here to access the course on the Coffee Break Academy.At Coffee Break French we provide content for beginners, intermediat