Meet Me In The Field

The Infinite Lover



Today we are hearing the fourth episode of our international podcast host series. We get to know Carine Camara from The Infinite Love podcast. Carine is originally from New York, but now settled in Lafayette in California in America. She has a vast list of healing qualifications behind her name and use various modalities to facilitate healing and spread love. The most prominent of these are acupuncture, energy medicine, pelvic wellness and intuition. She founded the Pelvic Wellness Centre and does amazing work in specifically, but not limited to female wellness. You can find Carine on her website, or on Instagram on carinejcamara and her podcast is on most majour podcast platforms, but I get in on Audry. This is what Audry says about Infinite Love podcast: “Carine Camara’s Podcast Infinite Love is a place to be inspired on emotional/spiritual healing and transformation. We talk about Love as Medicine, and share stories on ways to overcome life’s challenges with love, positivity and kindness. Carine is an in