Meet Me In The Field

The Uncommon Life Mother



In the third installment of our international podcast host series, we meet Hannah Garland from the Your Uncommon Life podcast. Hannah lives about an hour from Seattle, Washington in the United States. She started thinking of doing a podcast about 2 years ago when she had a miscarriage, but only got around to it a few weeks ago. That just shows that a good idea does not die, and we should never give up on a dream. I grab her podcast on Audry (, but she can be heard on all the major podcast platforms. This is the write-up to her podcast: “Encouraging words for busy days, tough seasons, and women who do it all. With a perspective rooted in faith and rounded out with years of working high pressure jobs to amateur fighting and now motherhood, I aim to encourage women to make intentional choices to focus their lives around what matters most to them. I explore topics like hope, vulnerability, identity, and habit formation. I’m on this journey, too, and together, we