Meet Me In The Field

The Intentional Encourager



This week we have our second episode in the series of having international pod-casters as our guests on Meet me in the field. I am excited to introduce Brian Sexton from West Virginia in the dear old US of A to you. Brian is the host of The Intentional Encourager podcast. In each episode, he listens to inspirational stories told by incredible people who have overcome unbelievable obstacles. They share the greatest lessons they learned and their biggest piece of Intentional Encouragement. You can listen to it on all the most prominent podcast platforms, but here is a link to it on Audry. Brian is also the writer of a book called People buy from People. The subscript to the book reads: “10 Powerful People Lessons from the Ultimate People Person - My Dad”. While the write-up to the book reads as follows: “Connection is a basic human need. To share a part of one’s innermost self with someone else is a critical component in today’s world. Every society has a need and strong desire to connect virtually, vocally o