Meet Me In The Field

The Nourishmint Coach



Today you meet my new friend Cindy. We talk, not only about her own spiritual journey, but also about two things close to my heart, family constellation and food. I met Cindy at a family constellation day and was gobsmacked by her ability to absorb energy and her response in the constellation field. It was absolutely amazing to see. The family constellation day was run by Volker, The Transformation Facilitator from the episode of 1 August 2019. If you suspect you have any unprocessed family-related issues in your life, I seriously recommend that you attend one of his family constellation workshops. After that day, I had a significant urge to get to know more about Cindy and am happy and grateful to have had that opportunity when we recorded this episode. Just for reference, the Personal Trainer Cindy and I informally discuss before I introduce her and the episode formally begins, is Brad, from Pocket PT. He was our guest on 2 April this year. To know more about Cindy and Nourishmint Coaching, find her