On The Objective

OtO 342: Back To Basics - Pastor David Lankford



Thanks for joining us again On the Objective as your host Steven Menking welcomes back Pastor David Lankford of The Voice of Evangelism for a discussion about returning to the Biblical principles that must ground our faith in the days ahead. Many Christians have for too long relied on external sources for their strength rather than drawing it from their own relationship with the Lord. Jesus is well able to save to the uttermost, and He is looking for a people who are steadfast in obedience and seeking first His Kingdom. Holy Spirit lead us into all truth and righteousness, and show us the way forward in every circumstance. Work miracles and bring about a harvest in this generation. Thanks for joining us On the Objective!Pastor David LankfordWebsite: https://thevoiceofevangelism.com/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/