On The Objective

OtO 330: The Good Report - Steven Menking



Join us for another Biblical discussion of important spiritual principles in partnership with Reliance! Right now there are two reports that you can believe: the bad report and the good report. Our current situation is reminiscent of the spying out of the promised land after the Exodus. Will we judge with our natural sight or will we choose to believe the report of the Lord? If the Lord is with us, then nothing can stand against us. Now is the time to respond in faith and to declare that the bad report is void. No bad report of man can withstand the good report of the Lord when we come into agreement and obedience to it. Jesus grant us discernment and faith! The scriptures in this broadcast are from Numbers 13-14.This broadcast was produced in partnership with Prepper Broadcasting Network through Reliance: An Exploration of 21st Century FaithWebsite: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/reliance-an-exploration-of-21st-century-faith/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/