On The Objective

OtO 327: Worship And Obey The Lord - Steven Menking



Join us for another Biblical discussion of important spiritual principles in partnership with Reliance! Christians have been given a chance to stand up and restore the worship of God in our society. Some have been taken over by fear of the opposition around them. The Lord has called us to be faithful, and His Word contains a powerful example of what we must do in this situation. The answer is simple: worship and obey the Lord. His power is magnificent, and He will deliver His people. Thank you Jesus for your miraculous victory! The scriptures in this broadcast are from Ezra 1-3.This broadcast was produced in partnership with Prepper Broadcasting Network through Reliance: An Exploration of 21st Century FaithWebsite: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/reliance-an-exploration-of-21st-century-faith/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/