On The Objective

On the Objective - It's Time For A Breakthrough - Steven Menking - 05.22.2020



Join us for another Biblical discussion of important spiritual principles in partnership with Reliance! It's time for a breakthrough. As we prepare for Pentecost, let's put aside the talk, the fear, and the distractions. We must press in to the Lord until we see the breakthrough that we so desperately need in our generation. Whatever it is that we need individually, the body of Christ needs the Lord to intervene on our behalf. Please take this time to join me in pursuing God and seeking His face. Victory is possible, but it is only possible in Jesus. Now is the moment. Do not give up until we see the breakthrough of the Lord! The scriptures from this episode are from 2 Timothy 1.This broadcast was produced in partnership with Prepper Broadcasting Network via a new collaborative effort Reliance: An Exploration of 21st Century FaithWebsite: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/reliance-an-exploration-of-21st-century-faith/On the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYW