On The Objective

On the Objective - Jesus Radically Rescues And Totally Transforms - Karen Rogers - 04.05.2018



Join your host Steven Menking as he welcomes Karen Rogers, America's first leading female jockey, to her debut appearance On the Objective. Karen shares her powerful testimony about how Jesus saved her from years of abuse, neglect, and deception. Her boldness and determination to speak about the things of God and the power of Christ to redeem and to restore is moving. Karen has been a guest on many noteworthy venues, and in her capacity as a jockey she appeared on many high profile mainstream media outlets. This conversation, however, is all about Jesus, what He has done in Karen's life, and what He is willing to do in yours. Thanks for joining us On the Objective!Karen RogersWebsite: http://www.racingwithmyshadow.com/Racing With My Shadow: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1542593360/ref=rdr_ext_tmbOn the ObjectiveWebsite: http://ontheobjective.org/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OntheObjectiveSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/on-the-objectiveiHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/on-the-objective-2855