On The Objective

Steven Menking - The Philosophy Of Growth And Boldness - I Am Liberty - 03.14.2018



Join Steven Menking as he sits down with James Walton on the I Am Liberty show for a discussion of philosophy, growth, and improvement. Beginning with Steven's testimony, the conversation covers a wide variety of topics and questions concerning the pivotal historical moment we are living through. What can be done to address weaknesses and vulnerabilities? What will happen to our culture if we do not change course? How does worldview impact these discussions? Why must we focus on growth and improvement? Who will have the boldness to stand up in this generation?I Am LibertyWebsite: http://iamlibertyshow.com/Prepper Broadcasting Network: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/listen-chat-live/live-shows/frii-am-liberty-600pmct/Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamlibertyshowThe Amateur SocietyWordPress: https://amateursociety.wordpress.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9QSpreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/theamateursocietyiHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/the-amateur-society-28