Gaps Diet Journey

Raine Saunders Healing from Anxiety on GAPS Diet



Raine Saunders joins me today to share her story of healing on the GAPS Diet. Raine started on GAPS due to overwhelming panic and anxiety issues which caused chronic sleep deprivation, and other peripheral health problems.  Raine is also a holistic health coach and you can find her online at Agriculture Society and on Facebook. During the show I mentioned my Super Ferments post from my blog, here is the link: Super List of Ferments Recipes. GAPS is the acronym for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Nutritional Protocol founded by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride which is healing children with autism and other disorders, and adults are finding relief and healing from  common maladies.  Your host Starlene Stewart blogs about her journey at GAPS Diet Journey and you can find her on Facebook at
