Tenacious Woman Radio

How to Build a Winning Team



Can you believe in 2012 we are still having conversations about how to build strong teams?  Why?  Growing organizations is an evolutionary process that involves meeting the changing needs and demands of generations that add new dimensions to our environment.  Add that to global competition and you have a challenge on your hands!Today's episodes gives tips on how to understand using methods of the past tand expectations of the future in an effort to create new ways to find and develop a strong workforce.The Tenacious Woman Radio Show features industry experts who provide resources, business solutions & stories of personal victory on issues that impact women globally. From sports to entertainment; marketing & media to sales and medicine, we give voice to subjects that propel women to think deeply, act boldly and to express their tenacious spirit. The show is the sister to a line of branded initiatives that include the Tenacious Woman Conference, Summits, Webinars, and Tenacious Woman Press featuring the