Resolving Disputes Respectfully - Collaborative Practice In Il

Collaborative Practice - Where it's come, Where it's going



[PLEASE NOTE there is a slight problem with the recording. See below.] In the 15 plus years since it was introduced by its creator Stu Webb, Collaborative Practice has been successfully applied to divorces throughout the US and many other countries. More recently it is being used to help reach constructive resolutions in Business disputes, Employment matters, Medical Errors, and LGBT relations. For over 5 years Sherrie Abney has been training professionals to use CP in these and other 'civil' matters. These two pioneers will be joining us to talk about the basics of CP and the benefits it offers to those seeking to create a lasting resolution rather than just settle a dispute.Information about Sherrie's upcoming training in Illinois is available here: Registration is at [PLEASE NOTE Unfortunately there is s section of serious static about 13 minutes in. It lasts about 2 minutes, but then is gone. If you listen on you