Prosperity On Air

[037] No More Business As Usual With Damien O'Farrel



We are living an unprecedented time, a time that has forced us all - individuals, companies and organizations - to re-think ourselves, our lifestyles, models, our "whys,  markets, the clients we are serving and how we are serving them.The covid19 pandemic has forced us all to clarify what is important to us, what is absolutely necessary, how we can protect it. It has forced us to change and adapt to an unexpected emergency and to what it will bring about in the future.A situation that has offered us the "opportunity to look for opportunity" and to make the necessary mindset and inner shifts to overcome the emergency, the uncertainty and the crisis that it has generated.About this and much more we speak in today's episode of the ProsperityOnAir podcast, with my guest Damien O'Farrell, Global Mobility Specialist and Expat Coach.This is what we’ll cover in today's episode:- How covid19 has forced companies and individual to get out of their comfort zone- It is ok to feel fear and panic in situations we are not p