Prosperity On Air

[029] Meditation and Reiki Healing for a Successful and Fulfilling Life with Debo Kalley



“Meditation is not spacing-out or running away. In fact, it is being totally honest with ourselves.” – Kathleen McDonaldMeditation is a spiritual practice as Reiki is. When I mention the word "spirituality" to my clients, I often see a skeptical look on their faces. Most confuse spirituality for religion, whilst it has nothing to do with it.So I looked up a definition of spirituality in the English dictionary and here it is: "The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things."To me spiritual practices - like meditation and  Reiki - are tools that help us re-connect with our most important, truthful and authentic source of knowledge, inspiration, creativity, intuition: our inner, spiritual self or our soul.Accessing this source to get the information you need to live better, less stressed, in harmony and to make the right choices and decisions in your life and business is very simple: it only takes as little as 5 minutes a day, to begin with.The benefits of